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Once again, the preliminary task was simple to produce in terms of the plot but I also realised how I needed to work harder on creative use of costume. The choice of clothes for the therapist was not convincing enough to show he is the professional, showing authority. 

My decisions choosing my locations have improved. I became more realistic at the same time imaginative when I adapted location to my script.

In the main task, I had to think closely at the type of clothes and props the scenes should have for the correct representation. From the casual clothing worn, it was easier to identify that it was a lazy day with two boys watching TV. 

My preliminary task did not have such a carefully calculated start and I believe it is this knowledge that I have gained through training and theory that I was able to appreciate and improve my own work.

Show picture In my preliminary task, I chose a room, which didn’t not really represent a consultation room. It looked more like a living room – not professional enough to establish the character as the therapist.

Show picture When I look at my main, I may not have explored outside locations due to the concept of my opening; I have a better understanding of how to use space creatively.

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