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In the main, I made an effort to think more about the sound. Even if the sound is generally good in the preliminary, there were still some areas that required attention. I could remedy some sound issues by adding sound effect but I gained a better understanding of sound since and work on this is still in progress.

Sound was not really good in my preliminary as the microphone was placed a bit far from the characters’, which as a result made the voice low when the clip was played. Luckily with the volume option I was able to increase the sound; nonetheless it was not fully resolved. 

Finally, I can say that film making has definitely become more achievable with the kind of technologies available these days. The more I experiment, the more I discover the many ways films can be produced. I feel with the research of films and my awareness of camera angles, movements, the importance of sound and lighting have made me more conscious when making decisions in film production.

I selected a sound effect which fits best with my clip from this selection.

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