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In Hitchcock’s films, you may notice that he tends to use comical old women to add a tang of innocent humour in his films. He would make the character to be very chatty and have a highly optimistic view about crime.
Hitchcock used a large amount of techniques in his movies. Here are a few techniques:



2. Surprise and Twist:
Once you’ve made your audience into gripping suspense you must never end the way your audience expects it to be. Once you have led them into thinking they know what’s going to happen, you end with a surprise twist.
In Saboteur (1942) Lloyd and Cummings are on top of Statue of Liberty. Cummings is holding a gun directly to Lloyd, Cummings begins to speak causing Lloyd to fall off the railings and gripping onto the edge. You think he is going to survive with everyone helping him, but near to the end… he drops.

1. Use humour to add tension:
Humour is very important to Hitchcock story telling. He would build tension by unexpected gag and creating ironic situations for the character to deal with.


Alfred Hitchcock


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